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Displaying 1 - 4 of 4 results
Cím / Tantárgy Évfolyam Dokumentumok

Getting to know and “adopting” my neighborhood

Religion / Ethics, History
A year-long project that includes several parts—making videos and a photograph tour of the local Jewish history in Thessaloniki, creating a Holocaust library for the school, creating an exhibition for...
10, 11, 12, 9

Analyzing a Centropa Film

other projects

Students watch films all the time.  But do they think about how a good story is told through film?  To get your students to think about how filmmakers tell stories...


School Tableau Project

other projects

It is a Austro-Hungarian tradition for schools to take group photographs of graduating classes, and post them in shops around town and throughout the school for everyone to take pride...


History of Holocaust Final Exam Project


This final exam project culminates a semester of study and storytelling about Jewish life in Central Europe and the Holocaust that started with students presenting their own stories in picture...