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Onsite Learning: A special approach to Generation Z

History, other projects

This PowerPoint offers an overview of how to create an onsite learning experience for students, what to consider as you plan, and some of the challenges you may face.

10, 11, 12, 9

Return to Rivne: Stations Lesson

Using Return to Rivne as the centerpiece, this lesson uses stations for students to explore the geography, pre-war life, Roma people, the family that hid Shelly and Raya, the toys...

6, 7, 8

Centropa Biography Film/Stolpersteine Assignment

History, other projects
In this project, students work in pairs to read Centropa biographies, create a 5 minute video about the interviewee, and design a Stolpersteine (commemorative stone) for them.
6, 7, 8, 9

Looking back: A child’s recollections of the Holocaust through the eyes of the children of today

In this cross-cultural project, three Jewish school teachers assigned their students to read the same text using slightly different assignments. Students in all classes produced art in response to the...
10, 11, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Getting to know and “adopting” my neighborhood

Religion / Ethics, History
A year-long project that includes several parts—making videos and a photograph tour of the local Jewish history in Thessaloniki, creating a Holocaust library for the school, creating an exhibition for...
10, 11, 12, 9

Diary and Memoir Project

An interdisciplinary lesson is designed to expose students to important responses to historical and social events and enable students to explore the following statement of inquiry: In times of social...
6, 7, 8

Could you be righteous?

Civic activism, History
Students will understand who were Righteous Among the Nations – people who not only saved Jews but risked their lives while doing that. They will be introduced the basic stages...
10, 11, 12

Lekcije o Holokaustu

1 - 4, 10, 11, 12, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, University

Teaching and Learning about the Holocaust in the Republic of Croatia

1 - 4, 10, 11, 12, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, University

Hana's Suitcase

This Holocaust ELA lesson for 7th or 9th grade students, addresses the following essential questions: What important factors make people leave their homeland? Do people always have a choice or...
7, 8

Three Promises: Personal Stories as Historical Material


This lesson plan uses group work, creative writing, and multimedia to teach subjects including History, Literature, Civics, Social and Political Education, Philosophy, Language etc. It is also useful in discussions...


Centropa film o Hani Gašić


NASTAVNIK: Timka Pašić-Alagić, profesor historije,  Srednja elektrotehnička škola Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina

NASTAVNI PREDMET:  Odjeljenska zajednica/ Historija


UZRAST UCENIKA: Učenici osnovnih i srednjih škola

NASTAVNI CAS:  45 min.


From "The Other" to Another

other projects

Too often, individuals or groups are labelled as the Other. The other is someone outside the group, they are considered diffferent; they are not wanted; they are labelled and...


Životní příběh paní Dagmar Lieblové – 2 hodiny


Studenti byli již poučeni o základních pojmech ( židovská kultura, zvyky, tradice, dějiny Židů v naší zemi a ve světě, Židé a druhá světová válka, koncentrační tábory, perzekuce, zákazy, odpovědi...


History of Holocaust Final Exam Project


This final exam project culminates a semester of study and storytelling about Jewish life in Central Europe and the Holocaust that started with students presenting their own stories in picture...


Life During World War II


This is a history project but because we want our students ultimately to teach each other, we started with an introductory video conference during which students asked each other questions...


Telling Jewish Stories using Wordle


Students are each given a short, multimedia film from Centropa to watch. As they watch – they may need to watch it more than once – they are to write...


A Survivor's Story: Dr. Richard Bugajer


Students in my class and Melanie Shaul’s class in Hadera, Israel, read the autobiography of Dr. Richard Bugajer, My Shadowlife. Melanie and I met his widow in Vienna, on...


Aktivnosti- OU Nikola Petrov Rusinski, Berovo




Ø  Прво им дадов на учениците веб страни за извлекување некои информации поврзани со периодот на Холокаустот:

1.www.ppuorg.uk/genocide – Магдалена Алаѓозовска...


I Was There - A Journey into a child's past


In this project, students in groups of 3-4 will read a memoir, diary or biography about a European child whose life was turned to chaos during the Shoah, 1933 to...


We speak for them


6th Grade SS/LA Project 


The women who taught me everything - Interactive Film Script


The interactive film scripts combine the scripts of the Centropa Films with the links metioned in the Study Guides, thus marking various historical, cultural and geographical references.

You can use...

The History of the Bulgarian Jewry - Interactive Film Script


The interactive film scripts combine the scripts of the Centropa Films with the links metioned in the Study Guides, thus marking various historical, cultural and geographical references.

You can use...

Lesson plan on the Centropa film "Three Promises"
