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Cím / Tantárgy Évfolyam Dokumentumok

Leitfragen und Arbeitsaufgaben zu Biographien aus Österreich

German language, History
1 - 4

A Survivor's Story: Dr. Richard Bugajer


Students in my class and Melanie Shaul’s class in Hadera, Israel, read the autobiography of Dr. Richard Bugajer, My Shadowlife. Melanie and I met his widow in Vienna, on...


Lesson plan on the Centropa film "Max Uri - Looking for Frieda"


Using the Centropa film "Max Uri -Looking for Frieda", which is a touching love story, together with Emily Dickinson's poem "I Held a Jewel", you can expose your students to...


Centropa ebook: Paul Back


Paul Back ist gerade 76 Jahre alt geworden und ich bewundere seine Begeisterung am Leben, seine Neugier auf alles, was ihn interessiert und das ist ein wirklich breites Spektrum...

Centropa eBook: Lilli Tauber

Lilli Tauber and her husband, Max Tauber, welcome me in their communal apartment in Viennas 19th district. We had already spoken on the telephone and were curious to finally...

Centropa ebook of Emilia Ratz


Shortly after the beginning of our interview, Mrs. Emilia Ratz, called Mila by her friends, impresses me with her exceptional life-story and her humor, which overshadows the tragic of...