Sinto and Sima Yulzari

Sinto and Sima Yulzari

This is a photo of my son Sinto and his wife Sima Yulzari, nee Maier, at the wedding day of their son Mois Yulzari and Nevena. The photo was taken in 2000 in Ruse.

This picture was taken in the restaurant where our family celebrated the wedding day of my grandson Mois Yulzari and Nevena. I know nothing else about her except that she is of Bulgarian origin. He is the son of my son Sinto and my daughter-in-law Sima. Both families live in Ruse.

My life after 9th September 1944 was calm. We weren't well-off, but we had everything we needed. My husband was a director of 'Toplivo' [a big state-owned company for coal and timber] for twenty years. I want to emphasize that my husband and I never had any problems at work because of our origin.

In 1946 I gave birth to my son, and my daughter, Buena, was then already six years old. We brought them up as Jews and because of that they have had Jewish identity since their early years.

At present my son is an associate professor in child pedagogy at the Veliko Turnovo University. He had been a teacher at the Institute of Pedagogy for a long time, after that he became a Ph.D., and later an associate professor. His wife had worked as an engineer in a plant in Ruse, but she got dismissed and now works in a grocer's shop.

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