Sarah Dener

Sarah Dener

This my sister Sarah Dener. This photo was taken in Falesti in 1923. My mother sent this photo to Argentina, to my father's sister whose name I don't know. After WWII our Argentinian relatives sent it to my sister Sarah in Israel since none of us had any family photographs left. My sister Sarah was born in Falesti in 1918. Sarah studied in the Jewish grammar school in Beltsy and came home for her vacations or holidays. We had a small children's room with two beds for Sarah and me, and a couch for Yuzef, my brother. My sister never went to sleep before reading 20-30 pages. Then she said 'Goodnight' to me, turned off the light and went to sleep. When it was a historical or adventure novel, she left it on the sideboard, but when she put a book under her pillow, I knew that it was a love story. After grammar school Sarah entered the conservatory in Bucharest.
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