Rosa Vexler’s grandmother's older sister Nehama

Rosa Vexler’s grandmother's older sister Nehama

My grandmother's older sister Nehama. She left for America in 1900s. Nehama sent this photo to my grandmother from the USA in 1916.

My father's family lived in Mogilyov-Podolskiy. My grandfather Gersh Abramson was born in Mogilyov-Podolskiy in 1876. I don't know what family he came from. My grandmother Surah was born in Mogilyov-Podolskiy in 1880. I don't know her nee name or anything about her family. I've only seen a photograph of my grandmother's sister Nehama. Nehama left for America in 1900s. She wrote letters to my grandmother and sent her a photo once. Nehama got married in America. She had a daughter. That's all I know about Nehama. She stopped writing for some reason.

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