Rachel Persitz's cousin Eva Lagotskaya with her son Mark and her granddaughter Inna

Rachel Persitz's cousin Eva Lagotskaya with her son Mark and her granddaughter Inna

My cousin Eva Lagotskaya on her 70th birthday in Kiev. She is the daughter of my Uncle Gersh, who perished in Kiev. Her son, Mark ,and her granddaughter, Inna, are celebrating with her. Uncle Gershl lived in Kiev with his wife, their daughters, Rosa and Eva, and their son Zyunia. Gershl was a shoemaker in Podol. When the war began only Eva and her two sons managed to go into evacuation. Gershl, his wife and Zyunia stayed in Kiev. Rosa and her two children also stayed. They were all killed in Babi Yar. Eva and her sons returned to Kiev from evacuation. She worked in a bakery before the 1970s. She died in the middle of the 1990s. Her son Mark lives in Israel.
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