Friends of Aleksandar Necak’s mother

Friends of Aleksandar Necak’s mother

Friends of my mother posing for picture in the river near Senta in 1930. From left to right are: Klara Miller, Vladislav Zentaji and an unknown Gentile.

Klara Miller is 88 years old and lives in Belgrade.  She worked as a pharmacists. During WWII she was registered as a Croat in Zagreb, Croatia and this is how she survived the war.

At the beginning of the war Vladislav  Zentaji was captured and sent to a work camp in German-occupied Russia  (along with other young boys from Senta). When the Russian army liberated the camp he came back to Yugoslavia as a member of a Yugoslav unit of the Russian army. Upon his return to Yugoslavia, he escaped from the barracks and went to search for his family, all of whom had been killed. He returned to his unit and was shot and killed for running away without permission.

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