A diploma of Yelizaveta Zatkovetskaya’s husband Peretz Freidkin

A diploma of Yelizaveta Zatkovetskaya’s husband Peretz Freidkin

A diploma issued at this exhibition to my husband: 'This certificate is issued to Freidkin, Peretz Zalmanovich, zootechnician of the Kalinindorf district department, participant of the All-Union Agricultural Exhibition in 1940'.

In late 1936 I got married. My husband Peretz Freidkin was born in 1910 in Kalinindorf, a Jewish colony in Kherson region. His parents Zalman Berl and Rasia Freidkins also dealt in farming. Besides, my father-in-law was a shoemaker and it made his additional earnings. My husband's family was a traditional Jewish family. He studied in cheder and then finished a Jewish elementary school. He also finished the Agricultural College in Kherson and became a zootechnician. After the wedding we lived in a small room of a three-apartment house in the 17th site. Our co-tenants were few other newly wed couples. We had a common kitchen and 'comforts' in the yard. Then we moved to the Jewish colony of Seidemenucha where I got a job assignment from the regional department of education half a year later. My husband worked as a zootechnician there as well. In 1937 our son was born. I named him Mikhail, by the first letter of my mother's name. After our son was born we moved to my husband's parents in Kalinindorf. We had a good life together. My husband's parents had a nice big house and a garden. I worked at school. We hired a baby sitter for my son and my mother-in-law was helping me. She observed Jewish traditions. On Saturday our Ukrainian neighbor came to set the table for our family and feed our livestock. My mother-in-law made matzah and we celebrated Pesach. We usually spent vacations with my husband's sister Tsylia in Kherson where she lived with her husband and two daughters: Yenia and Genia. Tsylia and I became friends, though she was significantly older than me.

My husband was a zootechnician in the kolkhoz 'The way to communism'. It was a very rich Jewish kolkhoz, a 'millionaire', adjoining to Kalinindorf. It was an advanced kolkhoz in the district, and in the late 1930s my husband and his crew were invited to the Exhibition of Achievements of Public Economy in Moscow. He took his pedigree cows and bulls to the exhibition and received a diploma for participation in the exhibition. I still keep this diploma and the photograph of my husband's crew at the Exhibition in the fair memory of Peretz. He perished on the front in 1941.

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