Alena Munkova on vacation in Sadska

Alena Munkova on vacation in Sadska

This photo was taken around 1930. This is in Sadska by Podebrady, during summer vacation. I remember this. I remember throwing up horribly at the time, I probably overate some fruit. At that time I might have been around four or five years old. For sure it was before I went to school, because my first mother, Marie Steinerova, was still alive. But she was already ill, and so she sent me here for summer vacation. I don't know who we were visiting there, we didn't have any relatives living there, that I know for sure. But most likely they sent me there along with Miss Saskova, who was my nanny. So they probably rented a room in that village, or something, I don't know. And here in the picture I'm sweeping up. I don't even know who actually took it. Later Miss Saskova, that was around 1939, left for England to work as a nanny for some family, also some dentist. She apparently liked me in some fashion, and so came to see my father, that she could take me with her and that I'd learn a trade there. My father said that it was out of the question.
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